Scott Safety – NFPA 1981 and 1982 Standards Update


As the leading manufacturer of SCBA in the North American fire services market, Scott Safety strives to keep customers informed of upcoming regulatory standard changes.  There are two such standards quickly nearing completion that will affect self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA):

NFPA 1981 – Standard on Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Emergency Services
NFPA 1982 – Standard on Personal Alert Safety Systems (PASS)
Scott Safety strongly encourages you to get familiar with the proposed changes to the standards and to voice your opinion.  As part of the first responder community, now is the time to provide your input to the NFPA to help shape the future direction of the standards.
Public comments may be submitted online up until the closing date of November 17, 2016.
The information below provides a current snapshot of the schedule and timeline for implementation of the standards:
Current Schedule:

–The standards will be marked as 2018 Edition
–The 2018 revision cycle is confirmed for Fall 2017
–The issuance date is tentatively scheduled for November 2017
–The effective date is tentatively scheduled for December 2017
–The tentative last ship date for 2013 Edition SCBA would be August 31, 2018, provided the issuance date is met.

There are significant areas of focus that the standards committee has reviewed as part of the development process, some of which may have an impact on SCBA manufacturers as it relates to the design and operation of the SCBA.
Please visit Scott Safety Nation for a summary of the proposed changes.